indian cinema heritage foundation

Amar Prem (1972)

  • Release Date28/01/1972
  • GenreDrama, Musical, Romance
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time153 mins
  • Length4541.50 meters
  • Number of Reels18
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number99282
  • Certificate Date14/12/1981 (Re-certification)
  • Shooting LocationNatraj Studios (P) Ltd.

"Amar Prem" is the story of three innocent souls-who by circumstances come near each other and are bound by the thread of eternal love.

Pushpa–a simple village house-wife is turned out of her house by her husband because she could not have a child. Dejected she comes to her own village and meets crook Nepal babu-who takes her to Calcutta to give a job. There she is cheated by him and she is forced to take shelter in the prostitute quarters.

Anand-a rich man of the city is neglected by his ultra modern wife and has no place to go. One day while passing through the same locality he hears a song and is attracted by the beautiful voice. He meets Pushpa and both are tied to each other.

Nandoo-a child who stays nearby is always ill-treated by his step-mother. He comes in the life of Pushpa and finds a mother in her.

But fate had something else to offer. They are all separated and how they are again united after ages-that is what you will see in "AMAR PREM".

[from the official press booklet]

